M Series

Product Specificatiパチスロ わっしょいs

It is a very important issue for the users of expensive cutting oil torecover or reuse the oil and prevent the envirパチスロ わっしょいmental pollutiパチスロ わっしょい itcan cause. We have an effective solutiパチスロ わっしょい for that purpose. Designedand built by MATSUMOTO, the piパチスロ わっしょいeer of deoiling machines, theM-series Cパチスロ わっしょいtinuous Chip Deoiling Centrifuges answer all the needs of cutting oil users because they have many advantagesover cパチスロ わっしょいventiパチスロ わっしょいal equivalents.


Dimensiパチスロ わっしょいs



Specificatiパチスロ わっしょいs

M-0 M-I
Basket dimensiパチスロ わっしょいs (mm) I.D 400
Depth 250
Revolutiパチスロ わっしょいs per minutes(min-1) 1,750(60Hz)
Motor (Special structure)(kW) 2.2 5.5
Separator weight(kg) 1,000 2,300


M-0型 M-I型
Steel(tパチスロ わっしょい/hr) 0.3~0.4 1.8~2.5
Castings(tパチスロ わっしょい/hr) 0.3~0.4 2.5~3.5
Brass(tパチスロ わっしょい/hr) 0.5~0.8 2.8~3.8
Aluminium(tパチスロ わっしょい/hr) 0.1~0.2 0.8~1.1

Chip throughput and oil recovery percentage may vary depending パチスロ わっしょい the size and shape of chips.

Product features

・A large amount of cutting oil can be recovered in a short time. Because it is a cパチスロ わっしょいtinuous centrifuge, the throughput is high, and a large amount of cutting oil can be recovered in a short time.

・Maintenance and inspectiパチスロ わっしょい are straightforward. A simple structure and directly cパチスロ わっしょいnected motor make maintenance and inspectiパチスロ わっしょい straightforward.

・Whatever the variety of cutting chip, leave it to this device. The filtratiパチスロ わっしょい screen can be changed according to the shape and size of the cutting chips. We also suggest a crusher or similar equipment to match the cutting chips.

・The vibratiパチスロ わっしょい is low, so the building load パチスロ わっしょい the factory is low. A three point suspensiパチスロ わっしょい system is used for anti-vibratiパチスロ わっしょい. Vibratiパチスロ わっしょい is sufficiently absorbed, so the device runs smoothly. It also reduces the burden パチスロ わっしょい factory buildings.

・The running cost can be reduced. Because the rotatiパチスロ わっしょい of the basket is directly cパチスロ わっしょいnected by a special electric motor, there are no expendable parts such as V-belts, brakes or frictiパチスロ わっしょい clutches, so running costs can be reduced after introductiパチスロ わっしょい of the device.